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We Are All Giants
We Are All Underfoot

While walking in the woods or hiking a mountain trail, it is easy to get lost in the larger world.  The sweeping vistas, the towering peaks and mighty trees, they all command attention and convey the sublime.  Far beneath them is another world, a world of mosses growing in the small crannies of a monolith, mushrooms emerging from the stump of a felled pine, of rain eroding the ground.  These smaller, slower forces shape the Earth.  There would be no soil for the Seqouia without the fungus to break down its dead brothers.  Rain will wash away a hillside and the runoff will carve canyons, and a single root can split a stone.

              Photography can be described as an art of subtractive observation.  By removing the distractions of a larger view, a photograph can reveal some thing, some truth or detail or observation that had gone unnoticed.

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